How to obtain tickets for Sidmouth Music concerts

For 52nd season (2023-24)

1. Purchase tickets for individual concerts in advance

Tickets for individual concerts cost £18 each. They are available for sale two weeks before the date of each concert, at the following outlet:

Alternatively, you can buy individual tickets for all of our concerts ONLINE via Ticketsource from August onwards: Book now
We do not charge a booking fee.

2. Subscribe to our concerts as a Society member, and save money!

You can subscribe to the full season of 6 concerts, or take out a partial subscription to two or more concerts.

There are two methods of subscribing: click on appropriate link below :

3. Purchase tickets for individual concerts at the door

These cost £18 and are subject to availability.

Student tickets for a fiver! Full-time students can buy individual tickets at a concessional price of £5 (subject to availability).